Diary Dates

Please see below for dates for this season. This only shows dates that are still to occur.

Thursday 13th February
Week 16 League
Thursday 20th February
Week 17 League
Friday 21st February
Singles Competition at Lockdown
Thursday 27th February
Week 18 League
Friday 28th February
Doubles Competition at Lockdown
Thursday 6th March
Town Champs & Exec Comp First Round
Thursday 13th March
Town Champs & Exec Comp Second Round
Thursday 20th March
Town Champs & Exec Comp Quarter Final
Wednesday 26th March
Winter League 2024/25 Registration at Wilsons
Thursday 27th March
Town Champs & Exec Comp Semi Final
Friday 4th April
Town Champs & Exec Comp Finals at War Memorial Club
Friday 4th April
Presentation Evening at War Memorial Club